26 March 2010
重要通告!Important Notice!!
在此也要特别谢谢我的干妈,Auntie Irene, 这些日子以来这么无私的提供超过300道食谱给我们!
由于Auntie Irene最近正忙碌于处理一些私人事务,抽不出时间再为我们提供食谱,因此希望能休息一阵子,将来再继续为大家服务!
Thanks to all supporters of "I Love Kitchen" recipes!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my Godmum, Auntie Irene, for unselfishly providing us with over 300 recipes all these while!
Lately Auntie Irene has been very busy with some personal matters.
Hence, she is not able to find anymore free time to prepare new recipes for us, so she hopes to take a break and rest for a while.
However, she will make a comeback and continue to provide more recipes in the future.
From 29 March 2010 onwards,
"I Love Kitchen" program will invite
Ex-chefs from 5 Star hotels, Restaurant Chefs and Chinese Physicians to share their recipes with listeners.
This will allow you to be able to cook attractive and delicious dishes at home too!
Due to some copyright reasons,
we WILL NOT BE POSTING any of these recipes on the blog.......
If you are interested in learning how to cook hotel or restaurant quality dishes and also prepare healthy food/tonic, please tune in to:
Love 97.2FM,
Mondays to Fridays, 3.30pm,
Violet Fenying's "I Love Kitchen" program!
25 March 2010
23 March 2010
马来风光 Sambal Kang Kong

蕹菜: 400g
辣椒干: 10 – 20 条 (洗净,泡软)
葱头: 10粒 (洗净,去衣)
蒜头: 5粒 (洗净,去衣)
岜拉煎: 1小块
虾米: 50g (洗净, 泡软)
1) 把蕹菜折段,冲洗干净,沥干待用
2) 把所有材料2放进刀形搅拌器搅烂后,再加入虾米搅均
3) 烧热4汤匙油, 加入已磨烂的虾米糊炒至香熟
4) 加入蕹菜炒熟,可加入半汤匙糖调味,盛起上碟

Ingredients A
Kang Kong: 400g
Ingredients B
Dried Chilli: 10 – 20 pcs (washed, soak till soften)
Shallot: 10 clove (skinned, washed)
Garlic : 5 clove (skinned, washed)
Balachan : 1 small piece
Ingredients C
Dried Shrimp: 50g (washed, soak till soften)
1) Cut kang kong into sections, rinse to clean well, drain dry for use later
2) Blend Ingredients B well using a blender with a knife blade, mix in pre-soaked dried shrimp to blend
3) Heat up 4 tbsp of oil, stir fry blended dried shrimp mixture till aromatic
4) Add kang kong, stir fry till cooked, add half tbsp sugar to season to taste, dish and serve
*食谱提供: Irene Tan
18 March 2010
16 March 2010
韭菜粿 Chives (ku Chai) Kueh
材料1 (去衣,剁碎)
葱头 : 4粒
蒜头 : 4粒
虾仁 : 200g
鸡晶块 : 1块 (捏碎)
盐 : ¼ tsp
材料4 (洗净,充分沥干水分,切粒)
韭菜 : 300g
1) 烧热4汤匙油,爆香葱蒜碎
2) 下虾仁炒香,加入调味料拌均,熄火
3) 待10分钟后,加入韭菜粒拌均,盛起待用
米台目 : 300g
薯粉 : 30g
1) 把米台目分2 – 3 次放进刀形搅拌器内(pic 1)搅至成团(pic 2)
2) 把面团放在桌面上,加入薯粉搓软
3) 在桌面上洒些粉,把面团棍薄,然后用圆型切割器切成圆片(pic 3)
4) 包入馅料,折成半月形,边缘捏紧
5) 放在已搽上油的盘上(pic 4),送入蒸锅,以中火蒸10分钟
6) 取出扫上葱油即可享用
Chives (ku Chai) Kueh
Ingredients A (skinned, minced)
Shallot : 4 cloves
Garlic : 4 cloves
Ingredients B
Shrimp : 200g
Ingredients C
Chicken bullion cube : 1 cube (smashed)
Salt : ¼ tsp
Ingredients D (washed, drained dry, diced)
Chives (ku Chai) : 300g
1) Heat up 4 tbsp oil, sauté minced shallot and garlic
2) Stir fry shrimp till aromatic, add seasonings (ingredients C), turn off flame
3) Add diced chives 10 min later, mix well, dish up
Ingredients A
Rice Noodle (mee tai mah) : 300g
Ingredients B
Tapioca Flour : 30g
1) Divide rice noodle into 2 – 3 portions, place inside a blender with knife blade (pic 1) blend to form dough (pic 2)
2) Put dough on table top, work tapiaco flour into dough till dough turn soft
3) Sprinkle some tapiaco flour on table top, roll out dough to a thin sheet, cut into shape with a round cutter (pic 3)
4) Wrap in fillings, fold over to form semi circle, press round corner to seal
5) Place on pre-greased plate(pic 4), steam in a steamer over medium flame for 10 min
6) Remove and brush with shallot oil, serve

11 March 2010
黑豆 : 200g
黑枣 : 10枚
北芪 : 10g
党参 : 15g
首乌 : 15g
熟地 : 15g
生地 : 15g
枸杞子 : 10g
1) 把所有材料洗净后, 放入锅内, 用水浸泡1 – 2小时
2) 用大火煮沸, 转小火煮1 – 2小时, 即可当茶饮用
注: 也可加入排骨或猪尾煮成汤
有益气补血, 补肾养阴, 延缓衰老的功效
可用于身体虚弱, 容易感冒, 疲倦无力, 面色, 肤色苍白或黯淡, 皮肤干燥粗糙, 时觉瘙痒, 头发早白, 容易脱发等
体质燥热者不宜多饮, 并减少北芪, 熟地的分量
09 March 2010
杨枝甘露 Mango Sago Pomelo Dessert
水 : 400g
糖 : 75g
柠檬 : 1粒 (切片)
香兰叶 : 4片
沙谷米 : 50g (洗净, 浸泡20 min.)
柚子肉 : 100g
芒果肉 : 500g
盒装芒果汁 : 500g
1) 把材料1煮开至糖溶, 待冷, 过沥, 倒入容器里, 放置冰格内, 当¾凝固成冰块时, 取出, 放进搅果汁机内打成沙冰, 放回冰格内, 待用
2) 煮滚一锅水, 投入沙谷米煮至透明状, 捞起过冷水, 浸泡在冰水里, 待用
3) 把材料4的芒果肉和芒果汁放入搅果汁机内打成芒果浆, 取出, 放入冰箱冷藏
4) 把芒果浆倒进玻璃杯 ¾ 满, 铺上沙冰, 洒上沙谷米与柚子肉,即可享用
Ingredients A
Water : 400g
Sugar : 75g
Lemon : 1 no. (slice)
Pandan Leaf : 4 petals
Ingredients B
Sago : 50g (washed, soak for 20 min.)
Ingredients C
Pomelo Flesh : 100g
Ingredients D
Mango Flesh : 500g
Box form Mango Juice : 500g
1) Bring Ingredients A to boil till sugar melt, leave to cool, strain and pour into container, put in freezer, freeze till ¾ hard, remove, place into juice blender, blend into shredded ice, return back to freezer for use later
2) Bring a pot of water to boil, bring sago to boil till transparent, strain from water and run under cold water, leave in ice water for use later
3) Blend mango flesh and juice from Ingredients D in juice blender to form mango thick juice, remove, refrigerate
4) Pour mango thick juice into a glass till ¾ full, add shredded ice, top with pre-boiled sago and pomelo flesh, serve
* 食谱提供: Irene Tan
04 March 2010
02 March 2010
蒸香兰蛋糕 Steam Pandan Cake

糖 : 125g
全蛋 : 200g
香兰汁 : 20g
SP : 10g
材料2 (过筛)
面粉 : 125g
发粉 : ½ tsp
溶化牛油 : 25g
1)把材料1放进搅拌钢,以高速拌打10 min.至松发, 移开
2) 加入材料2粉料拌均
3) 加入溶化牛油拌均
4) 将粉糊倒入小杯内 / 18cm 方形蒸盘内
5) 以中火蒸约10 min. / 20 min至熟
* 小杯可涂上油或放上纸杯
18cm 方形蒸盘四周边涂油, 底部铺纸
Steam Pandan Cake
Ingredients A
Sugar : 125g
Whole Egg : 200g
Pandan Juice : 20g
SP : 10g
Ingredients B (sieved)
Plain Flour : 125g
Baking powder : ½ tsp
Ingredients C
Melt Butter : 25g
1) Place Ingredients A into a mixing bowl, beat on high speed for 10 min till light and fluffy, remove
2) Fold in Ingredients B
3) Mix in melt butter
4) Place batter in small muffin cups / 18cm square baking tray
5) Steam over medium flame for 10 min. / 20 min till cooked
* Grease muffin cup or lined with paper cup
Grease side of 18cm square tray, and line bottom with baking paper
*食谱提供: Irene Tan