09 March 2010

杨枝甘露 Mango Sago Pomelo Dessert


水 : 400g
糖 : 75g
柠檬 : 1粒 (切片)
香兰叶 : 4片

沙谷米 : 50g (洗净, 浸泡20 min.)

柚子肉 : 100g

芒果肉 : 500g
盒装芒果汁 : 500g

1) 把材料1煮开至糖溶, 待冷, 过沥, 倒入容器里, 放置冰格内, 当¾凝固成冰块时, 取出, 放进搅果汁机内打成沙冰, 放回冰格内, 待用
2) 煮滚一锅水, 投入沙谷米煮至透明状, 捞起过冷水, 浸泡在冰水里, 待用
3) 把材料4的芒果肉和芒果汁放入搅果汁机内打成芒果浆, 取出, 放入冰箱冷藏
4) 把芒果浆倒进玻璃杯 ¾ 满, 铺上沙冰, 洒上沙谷米与柚子肉,即可享用

Mango Sago Pomelo Dessert

Ingredients A
Water : 400g
Sugar : 75g
Lemon : 1 no. (slice)
Pandan Leaf : 4 petals

Ingredients B
Sago : 50g (washed, soak for 20 min.)

Ingredients C
Pomelo Flesh : 100g

Ingredients D
Mango Flesh : 500g
Box form Mango Juice : 500g

1) Bring Ingredients A to boil till sugar melt, leave to cool, strain and pour into container, put in freezer, freeze till ¾ hard, remove, place into juice blender, blend into shredded ice, return back to freezer for use later
2) Bring a pot of water to boil, bring sago to boil till transparent, strain from water and run under cold water, leave in ice water for use later
3) Blend mango flesh and juice from Ingredients D in juice blender to form mango thick juice, remove, refrigerate
4) Pour mango thick juice into a glass till ¾ full, add shredded ice, top with pre-boiled sago and pomelo flesh, serve

* 食谱提供: Irene Tan